5 Common Running Pains (and How to Fix Them)

5 Common Running Pains (and How to Fix Them)

Do you often experience pain after a run? Your best bet to get rid of these pains is to lower your runs’ mileage and intensity after the first pains, begin treatment, and reinforce a proactive injury-prevention strategy. At ChiroMom, our chiropractic team in Bellmore offers non-invasive and drug-free treatment for quick recovery from running pains and develops your customized strategy for maximum injury-free physical performance.

Shin Splints

Characterized by dull pain along the shinbone that worsens during exercise, shin splints are the most common running pains in new runners. Shin splints are caused by overstressing (running excessively too quickly), worn-out or ill-fitting shoes, and flat feet.

Cutting back on running intensity, replacing old shoes, applying ice and massage can all help to reduce the painful symptoms of shin splints. Chiropractic adjustments help provide for quick recovery and strengthen your calves and ankles as well.

Runner’s Knee (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome)

Runner’s knee is a cartilage irritation associated with dull pain and swelling of the tendons underneath, in front of, or around the kneecap (patella). The pain worsens after long runs or prolonged sitting periods with bent knees. Runner’s knee is caused by weak hips, glutes, quad muscles, and overpronation (rolling your foot inwards excessively).

Run as far as is painless, but avoid downhill running. Icing and massages relieve the pain, and a chiropractor can manipulate and adjust your knee to boost healing.

Prevent relapse by strengthening the knee support muscles, and shorten your strides to correct overpronation.

Achilles Tendinitis

If you drastically escalate your training, you may tighten and irritate the Achilles tendons that connect the heel to the calf muscle. You may experience dull pain with a heel strike, inflammation, and decreased range of motion.

Reduce your training’s intensity and wear compression socks. Ice, massage and consult a chiropractor for drug-free treatment and quick recovery.

Stretches and heel drop exercises prevent relapse.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is the inflammation of tendon between the heel and the toes. The characteristic dull pain in the bottom of your foot is worst when you get out of bed in the morning. Plantar fasciitis is caused by excessive inward or outward foot rolls, worn-out shoes, drastic training transition, and poor running form.

Apply ice, massage, and use chiropractic adjustments to boost healing. Reduce pressure on your feet by running less and stretch your plantar fascia.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)

ITBS causes sharp pain in the IT band (the connective tissue between outer hip and knee) that is worse in slow runs. ITBS often results from a drastic increase in your mileage.

Apply ice, massage, and lower your running mileage and intensity. Get a chiropractor to treat your IT band naturally and strengthen your hip abductor and extensor muscles.

Have Chiromom in Bellmore Treat Your Running Pains

Are you suffering running pains in Bellmore? Schedule an appointment with our Bellmore chiropractic team to relieve running pains through chiropractic adjustments, lifestyle and nutritional counselling, and strengthening exercises for maximum injury-free performance. Call ChiroMom today at 516-221-1212.


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