Our precise spinal adjustments can relieve pain, restore function, and improve your overall quality of life.
Spinal Adjustments and Chiropractic Care at ChiroMom
Why Spinal Adjustments are Necessary
Spinal adjustments become essential when vertebrae move out of position, causing pressure or irritation to spinal nerves, leading to neck and back pain and reduced bodily function. At ChiroMom, we use chiropractic adjustments to safely and naturally realign your spine, utilizing the Diversified technique to enhance nervous and immune system functions.
Flexion-Distraction Technique
Our flexion-distraction technique is widely used for symptomatic disc injuries, addressing back pain relief and leg pain while also serving as preventive therapy. This pain-free treatment involves a specialized table that gently stretches and flexes the spine.
Spinal Adjustment FAQs
What is a spinal adjustment?
A spinal adjustment involves aligning out-of-position spinal joints using hands or instruments, removing restrictions and improving nervous system function.
How long do I need spinal adjustments?
The duration varies by patient and condition. Some find relief after a few sessions, while others may need more extended treatment.
Are spinal adjustments painful?
Chiropractic adjustments are generally not painful. You may hear popping sounds and experience mild soreness afterward, which typically dissipates in a few days.
What conditions can spinal adjustments help with?
Spinal manipulations can treat conditions like sciatica, herniated discs, scoliosis, shoulder and neck pain, headaches, arthritis, and pinched nerves.
Do spinal adjustments complement other treatments?
Yes, spinal manipulation can be used alongside other treatments like massage therapy, cold laser therapy, Webster technique, and trigger point therapy.
Schedule a Spinal Adjustment in Bellmore, NY
For back pain relief and other health conditions, contact ChiroMom in Bellmore, NY at (516) 221-1212 or through our website.